Gopi Krishna
Gopi Krishna
The Kundalini Research Foundation, Ltd., established as a non-profit, tax-exempt organization at the request of Gopi Krishna in 1970, Contributions are tax-deductible. Send your check to the K. R. F., Ltd., P.O. Box 2234, Darien, CT 06902.,"TARGET=_top
O people of the world unite,and pave the way to peace sublime,Divided you yourself inviteDisastrous wars, unrest and crime.
7-3-1952, Gopi Krishna From the Unseen,
"Gopi Krishna was a pioneer in the land of spirituality." - Deepak Chopra, M.D.
Gopi Krishna was born in 1903 to parents of Kashmiri Brahmin extraction. His birthplace was a small village about twenty miles from the city of Srinagar, the summer capital of the Jammu and Kashmir State in northern India. He spent the first eleven years of his life growing up in this beautiful Himalayan valley. In 1914, his family moved to the city of Lahore in the Punjab which, at that time, was a part of British India. Gopi Krishna passed the next nine years completing his public school education. Illness forced him to leave the torrid planes of the Punjab and he returned to the cooler climate of the Kashmir Valley. During the succeeding years, he secured a post in the Department of Public Works of the State, married and raised a family. In 1946 he founded a social organization and, with the help of a few dedicated friends, tried to bring about reforms in some of the outmoded customs of his people. Their goals included the abolition of the dowry system, which subjected the families of brides to severe and even ruinous financial obligations,and the strictures against the remarriage of widows. After a few years, Gopi Krishna was grantedpremature retirement from his position in the government and devoted himself almost exclusively toservice work in the community.
In 1967 he published his first major book in India, Kundalini--The Evolutionary Energy in Man(currently available under the title Living With Kundalini). Shortly thereafter it was published in GreatBritain and the United States and has since appeared in eleven major languages. The book presented tothe Western world for the first time a clear and concise autobiographical account of the phenomenon ofthe forceful awakening of Kundalini, which he had experienced in 1937, and the long process by whichhe eventually attained the perennially transformed or sahaja state of consciousness. This book, and thesixteen other published works by Gopi Krishna have generated a steadily growing interest in thesubjects of consciousness and the evolution of the brain. He also traveled extensively in Europe andNorth America, during the last seventeen years of his life, energetically presenting his theories toscientists, scholars, researchers and others. Gopi Krishna's experiences led him to hypothesize that thereis a biological mechanism in the human body, known from ancient times in India as Kundalini, which isresponsible for creativity, genius, psychic abilities, religious and mystical experiences, as well as sometypes of aberrant mental states. He asserted that ignorance of the workings of this evolutionarymechanism was the main reason for the present dangerous state of world. Gopi Krishna passed away inJuly, 1984 of a severe lung infection and is survived by his wife, three children and grandchildren. Thework that he began is currently being carried forward through the efforts of a number of affiliatedfoundations, organizations and individuals around the world.
Gopi Krishna's Revised Theory of Evolution1. Evolution is directed by a super-intelligent force which operates through a biological mechanism in the human body known to yoga theory as ‘kundalini’, and by many other names in a wide variety of ancient and esoteric texts.
2. Evolution, including human evolution, is therefore not ‘random’, but a deliberate act on the part of an invisible cosmic intelligence or organizing power and has a ‘target.’
3. The target of evolution is to produce a virtual superman or woman who will live in a permanent state of bliss, possess a genius level of intelligence, and various other attributes seldom seen in the population at large such as psychic powers.
4. Since the kundalini mechanism is a biological mechanism, given a properly conducted research program based on a serious scientific study of a group of suitable candidates, it should be possible to measure the biological and intellectual changes using suitable tests and equipment.
5. The existence of the kundalini mechanism explains the origin of the religious impulse in man, and therefore heals the schism between science and religion.
The Lasting Significance of Gopi Krishna's Works
Gopi Krishna's discovery was without doubt the most important discovery in scientific history. Why? Because it revealed the source and destiny of man.
Put In one sentence, Gopi Krishna discovered a biological mechanism in his body, known to yoga theory as ‘kundalini’, which over a period of years entirely transformed his consciousness, raised him mentally to the level of a genius, and took him to a permanent state of ecstasy.
But in a world of doubting scientists, who lacked his inner experience, of what significance could this have to the rest of us?
Gopi Krishna's answer was in over 15 books and many talks world wide, to groups of scientists and laymen alike, with the intent of permanently raising our global consciousness to the next stage of human evolution.
Anybody who studies his works seriously and with an open mind, will see a genuine vision of man's future, only clearly visible to a man in such a higher state. Yet enough will filter down to the average reader which will enable him to see the meaningless and illusory rift between science and religion, which has been at the core of social and political unrest throughout the last millennium.
"I am in particular trying todraw the attention of the world to a very important fact, that at thepresent moment, our scientists, our learned educators, leaders, andpoliticians, are only aware of natural laws, and even those are not known completely or perfectly.
In addition to material laws, there are also spiritual orpsychic laws in the universe. We have absolutely no awareness of these laws. Time and again, a glimpse of these laws has beengiven to mankind by the great prophets and Messiahs who appeared in different parts of the world. We have rejected theirteachings as pure myth or superstition. But actually those teachingscontain germs of truth that are essential for the safety andsurvival of the race.
The tragedy is that we have rejected the evidence ofreligion or of the teachings of great sages about the spiritual worldand the soul which dwells in the human body. Since spirit, mind orsoul is not perceptible to any of our senses, or to any of ourscientific instruments, we presume that they have no independentexistence apart from the body or the organic organ, the brain, and therefore we need not worry about what happens to them. Butactually they do have an independent existence. They have a universe of their own, and they have profound influences onall that we do, on all that we think, on all that we create.
But this influence is conditioned by certain laws which aretotally a sealed book to us. These laws are operating at present and driving mankind to a catastrophic war to end the presentorder, which is against the evolution of the human brain".
"I say,on the basis of my experience that the human brain is still in a state of organic evolution.I say this in contradiction of the views held by most leading biologists at this moment. I say that this biological evolution is carring all the race towards a higher state of consciousness I do not say that the human mind is evolving toward an undefined summit. What I firmly assert is that human consciousness is evolving toward a Predetermined Target, which I have experienced. What I further affirm is that the human brain is evolving toward that state of transhuman perception through the activit of an organic mechanism named Kundalini by the ancients.The fact is that there is a biological mechanism in every human being and this mechanism is known as Kundalini. It can be accelerated though the discipline of Yoga or through other religous exercises. The human cerebrospinal system is capable of a new amazing activity that is still unknown to science. The practice of meditation, carried on in the proper way regularly for a sufficient duration of time, tends to force a normaly silant region in the brain to an astonishing activity. The idea that under the direct influence of the Cosmic Life Energy the human brain is still in a state of organic evolution is a fact so important that, compared to it, all other discoveries of modern science pale into insignificance.
What I am revealing is not knowledge picket up by study or gained through reflection but gathered from my day-to-day experience for years on end".
"In no other period in history have the learned been so mistrustful of the divine possibilities in man as they are now, and in no other age has the need for spiritualgeniuses been so urgent as it is at this time. The human mind is so constituted that no luxury and no treasure of the earth can assuage its burning fever seeking anexplanation for its own existence. All the heavy weight of this inscrutable mystery, all the questions posed by intellect, all the suffering of the harrowing ascent ofevolution, all the pain felt at the injustice and misery prevailing in the world, all the disappointment of shattered dreams and broken hopes, all the anguish of eternalpartings from near and dear ones, and all the fear of ill health, decay and death vanish like vapor at the rise of the inner Sun, at the recognition of the inmost Self,beyond thought, beyond doubt, beyond pain, beyond mortality which, once perceived, illumines the darkness of the mind as a flash of strong lightning cleaves thedarkness of the night, leaving man transformed with but one glimpse of the inexpressible splendor and glory of the spiritual world. May this sublime knowledgebecome accessible to all. May there come enlightenment and peace to the minds of all.”