NEW Gopi Krishna - Exclusive Lecture
What is man here for? That will then explain what diet he should eat. If we do not know what for he is here. What is the purpose of this life? How can we decide our past judgment on his food or actions or his needs awaken. First we should know. If he’s an animal, then the question is different. If he’s and angle then the question is different. If he as an animal is now proceeding towards an angelic condition than the question is different. So before discussing super fluidity, it is best, first to discuss the fundamentals. I will explain this. We take to meditation, why - I would like to know, knowledge to this answer. You see, there is so much thirst for meditation all over India, Europe, America, thousands hundreds of thousands of people like to meditate why. This will solve also answer your question. They are interrelated why do we want to meditate Why do we want o practice Yoga or Zen or any other metaphysical discipline? I would like to have an answer to that. I do not take any disciples. I do not preach any philosophy. I do not preach any sect, because I believe that the human race has reached a state of progress, where it should know, what is the purpose of its being, and where it stands. Every one of us is a child, than adolescents than adult hood than prime and then age and last of all death. But are we convinced that the soul is immortal that there is a god. That we have to do something to make our other life in the other world easier for us. Our we convinced about these things? If we are not convinced, then the first thing is to analyze where we stand. Our basic approach to the problems of life should be to analyze our own position. In India there are said to be two basic things which are necessary for every man and woman to understand oneself to be aware of oneself. One is Vedic the other is Vedanta . Vedic means to know your duties as a human being, to know yourself, to know what we are here for. To distinguish between what is false and what is true. That is know as Vedic. And Vedanta means if you are convinced by analyst that a human being is not an animal but something more that eating dressing sleeping drinking is not the only reason for his life, he has some other goals to reach. Then comes the second step in Vedanga to be not too much drown in this word. We are compounds of two things the flesh and ourselves, the normal and our body, All our life we try to satisfy our physical needs. To care for our body and our flesh but the other partner of our life of our mind often remains neglected. That is why I ask this question what is the purpose of meditation? What is the purpose of yoga? There are many people who are recommending different types of meditation different types of yoga. This has been the practice in India for the last thousands of years. They have disciple. They have people who follow them. But the first question that has to be asked of a teacher. What is the benefit of this meditation? There can be one benefit it can give you peace of mind, another benefit it can be it give you some efficiency. But that is just like other things, temporal things in each parish, yoga is in actual fact meant to make man immortal and this is the aim of all religions. To lead man to the kingdom of god to make him immortal. And man can become immortal in this life to this I can attest solemnly before God. It is a matter of great sorry for me that yoga has not be understand in the west and the version that are being given are not often not correct. Yoga is a compound word derived from root yuj means, to join to combine, it means to combine all your energies to gain union with the divine intelligence which works behind the universe. That is the real meaning of the term yoga And in India yoga has been used from Vedic times to demand straight the truth of religion. In other countries of the world there is a creed a religion we have here Christianity in the near east we have Islam, in India China and Japan we have Buddhism. There are certain articles of faith in each religion and you have to believe them. You have to believe that the soul is immortal. That there is a God. No proof is given. Yoga is meant to give proof, to the principles to the fundamental concepts of religion. In the usual course you have to accept the faith second hand, From the founder or from the church from the priests from the Pope. But actually unless every one experiences the truth of religion It cannot be convinced and perfect. So yoga is meant to give conviction about the truths of religion about to everything this is the primary aim of yoga. Unfortunately the 20th century and even the 19th have been almost barren of spiritual geniuses’. There have been a few very few, but on the whole it has been barren. The materialist tendency of the world, the division of mankind, into believers and non believers. The nuclear bombs the explosive state of mankind are all do to this fact. That during the last two centuries. There has been a dearth of spiritual genius’s on the earth.
Yoga or spiritual science is not so cheap and so easy as it is being given out in modern times. It is the basic food which our soul needs, unless there is a target to human life unless we have an ideal before us there will be the same confusion as we are seeing in these days. The human mind needs an anchor to keep it firm. Otherwise the storms of passion and desire, they sweep it away. And all the life it is struggling to find its barring without success. That is the purpose of yoga to give direction to life. To put the target before you, and that target is provided by some of the greatest human beings born on earth. By human being like Buddha, by Christ, by Mohammed, by Shankachera, by Socrates. If we had two of them in the world, like Guru Nanak recently in the 14 or 15th century If we had two or three of them. The world would not have such a condition. In spite of all the wealth all the inventions of science all the addendums and all the facilities and amenities which were never in the past the human mind is restless., because there is a subconscious urge in man to know himself. And there is no answers either in science or in philosophy that would satisfy our mind. It can only be satisfied when we know ourselves when reality becomes known. I will discuss this point in another way. All our five senses show us the material world. Formally we had no knowledge of electromagnetic waves or electric currents or electronic waves our eyes could not see them our ears could not hear them but now by certain instruments we are able to detect that around us there is a tremendous world of activity going on. There are waves and currents which can send our message from America to Japan in a few moments which can circulate the earth in a few moments. We know now that there are energies and forces which we can never be seen and let me tell you that side by side with these forces and energies which we have now only begin to see there is everywhere both in us and out of us. An energy which we call mind. This mind is not the product of your body. It is not the product of your brain. This energy is using your mind and body in the same way as the waves from a television station uses a television sets. There are differences it will take a long time to explain but for an analogy this is sufficient. We are not the body we are not the brain. This stupendous energy creates out of earth the flower and the body and the lion and the tiger and the elephant and everything else. This fundamental energy concept known and verified in India at least 15 hundred years before the birth of Christ. It is an energy, but science is not able to see or to acknowledge Is this energy which has been know as prana. It was know to Egyptians It was know in the Middle East. It is known to alchemists and occultists in Europe but it is not known to science.
Science has no instruments to detect it. Now I will give you an example. I see all of you sitting before me. Each one of you is a universe. Each one of you has a world of his own. Each one of you sees all the senses of what’s there, Each one of you hears my voice and knows that I am speaking, sees me, I see you. Now what is this thing which sees and is aware. Can we see it n can we hear it can I see this atom this mind this consciousness in you. No instrument of science can detect. We only know it be inference. We know this man is alive and his mind is working and when that man falls dead we know that the mind is no where there and the man is dead . But are we able to know this animated principle no scientist has been able.
It has never been isolated it can never be isolated. This energy this consciousness, this awareness and this mind which makes us alive which hears thinks talks is a universe in its self. These thoughts these dreams, all this amalgamation it is not just nothing. It is an energy, an immortal eternal energy. It is the illuminated, the mystics, the awakened, the yogis who come in contact with this energy. I hope you follow me. It is the energy that is in you. It is eternal. You see it. I see light everywhere in this room around me. It is intelligent. Only an eye has to be open another eye has to be open which in India has been called the third eye. There has to be a change in the brain. For which yoga is practiced. That is known as the Eye of Shiva, the third eye, and it is said to be centered here, between the eyebrows.
Because that has a very physiological background, because the two nerves which create the change in the brain enter the brain at this point one coming from the right going to the left side and the other coming from the left side going to the right side. This is a long subject of the physiology of yoga which I will not discuses at this time. But suffice to say that man is but the product of an energy which is spread throughout the universe but which you can see my any means accept though the opening of another sense in your brain. You must have heard of clairvoyance. You must have heard of mediums. You must have heard of telepathy. All of them occur by some awakening in the brain, by some change in the brain come in contact with this energy. They are able to read your thoughts they sit in front of you and than they can read your thought s they can read the thoughts of others at a distance they can look into the past they can look into other words other places .
For instance they can be sitting here and with Clairvoyance or astral projection they are able to tell you that this thing is happening. Sometimes they are wrong but sometimes they are right. How can this be possible unless there is a communicating energy. that energy this energy is prana. So the aim of yoga is to open this channel of perception. To lift the vial from the eyes as is said in the religious scriptures. To open the doors of perception and to lead to the inner kingdom which Christ has called the kingdom of heaven. It is simple only it is not explained.
There is an energy what we call life energy pervading the whole universe pervading everywhere even in atoms , this room , on the sea, in the forest everywhere which is the course of life . This energy science has not been able to detect or determine so far. We are now suggesting experiments on how this can be done, and already some groups have been formed to investigate this energy. It is this energy which yoga is designed to know. Therefore, in every book on yoga you will find from the very beginning descriptions and directions about prana. Prana is life energy. It is known by different names all over the earth. This prana, or life energy, is in you, acting as you. In me, it is acting as myself. Our physiological frame, our flesh and blood and our body determine our behavior and our personality. But all are one. All life is one. The universe is life. It is for this reason that I ask the question about meditation.
The real aim of meditation, of yoga, of spiritual disciplines, or of religion, is to open the supersensory channel in the brain. All of us know that according to modern science we use only a fraction of the brain, and modern science has not yet much knowledge about the brain. It is only known that they are Public Art Fund: discovering that there are two lobes on one deals with ethics feeling the other deals with reason language These are all things coming to light but not much is know about the brain there are regions in the brain that yoga arouses to activity and this region is known as Brahmarendra to the Indian adepts. When the Brahmarendra is opened then for the first time prana, the world of life, is open to our soul. The moment the world is open you are no longer the same man then the treasures of the earth seem to be insignificant then you know what you are. Then alone you are totally rid from the fear of death. It is not that you now believe that I will not die. Not at all. You see yourself as eternal and immortal. This is the aim of yoga. It is this knowledge that I am trying to bring to mankind supported by experiments done in laboratory and this is the only answer to the problems of our day.
This is the only science that can unify humankind, that can bring unity between all the religions, and that can mitigate the terror and horror of our time. This science alone. It has to show to man, that he is not an animal. That he has a potentiality in him to become a god. You must of herd from yogis or from people who are interested in India traditions’ there is a term Satchitananda which is used to designate the condition of one. In whom this channel has opened. Sat means reality, Cit means consciousness, Ananda means happiness. Three things. This means that for the first time he is able to perceive the reality, the reality behind the universe. This reality is not of the nature of matter, it is of the nature of intelligence. He sees the whole universe alive, one all-knowing, all acting all powerful, all seeing intelligence, all over the universe. This is the reason why God is said to be omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. It is the men of vision who have said it. Those who had this vision. It has been very rare but it has been there.
The reason why in religion, everywhere, God is said to be, in Islam in Christianity, in Hinduism, God is said to be omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient. Because this energy which you see, this energy of life, it is of this kind. It is of this nature, and man who has the chance to reach this perception is vaulted, carried to another world of life where this world seems to be a dream so this is the goal of human life. The goal of his life is not to build rockers to reach the stars or to rise skyscrapers 200 stories high. The Egyptians raised their pyramids 400 feet high. They are there now, desolate.
The aim of human life for every man is to know himself, and this knowledge is so precious, so . . . happiness with meaning so wonderful that no temptation of the earth, neither money nor king ship nor power nor property can compare with it. This is the aim of religions this is the aim of yoga. This is the real aim of meditation to open the brain to the intelligent energy encompassing the whole universe Then alone one knows oneself just as a man in a state of sleep has dreams and some times nightmares, horrible dreams and then suddenly he wakes up and says of God it was all a dream I am happy. This happens to many people terrible dreams they occur during night a Lion is coming or something menacing is happening and then the man suddenly awakes. Exactly with the success in yoga the man who gains this vision awakens from this world into another life. You than need not tell him you are immortal he sees that he is immortal He sees he is about everything of the Earth. That is the crowing experience of human life.
Labels: To Bring Understanding The Evolutionary Process Within Everyone
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